Twitter Id

Each object within Twitter - a Tweet, Direct Message, User, List, and so on - has a unique ID.

After you submit your request, we will email you with instructions for providing more details, including information about the user, a copy of your ID, a copy of the account holder’s ID, and a copy of a Power of Attorney authorizing you to act on the account holder’s behalf. This is a necessary step to prevent false and/or unauthorized reports. Hi friends,it will be my pleasure to comment for another topic for video. Twitterapi twitter: userid: optional: A comma separated list of user IDs, up to 100 are allowed in a single request. You are strongly encouraged to use a POST for larger requests. 7282: includeentities: optional: The entities node that may appear within embedded statuses will not be included when set to false. False: tweetmode. To allow Javascript and JSON parsers to read the IDs, Twitter objects include a string version of any ID when responding with JSON. Status, User, Direct Message, Saved Search and other IDs in the Twitter API are therefore returned as both an integer and a string in JSON responses. For example, a status object contains an id and an idstr.


At the very beginning of the platform, these IDs were small enough numbers that they could be generated sequentially. Over time, to accommodate growth, the IDs moved from being 32-bit, to 64-bit. Today, Twitter IDs are unique 64-bit unsigned integers, which are based on time, instead of being sequential. The full ID is composed of a timestamp, a worker number, and a sequence number. Twitter developed an internal service known as “Snowflake” in order to consistently generate these IDs (read more about this on the Twitter blog).

Twitter id number

Numbers as large as 64-bits can cause issues with programming languages that represent integers with fewer than 64-bits. An example of this is JavaScript, where integers are limited to 53-bits in size. In order to provide a workaround for this, in the original designs of the Twitter API (v1/1.1), ID values were returned in two formats: both as integers, and as strings.

{'id': 10765432100123456789, 'id_str': '10765432100123456789'}

If you run the command (10765432100123456789).toString() in a browser JavaScript console, the result will be '10765432100123458000' - the 64-bit integer loses accuracy as a result of the translation (this is sometimes called “munging” - a destructive change to a piece of data).

In Twitter APIs up to version 1.1, you should always use the string representation of the number to avoid losing accuracy.

In newer versions of the API, all large integer values are represented as strings by default.

Twitter id converterWhatTwitter

Learn how to change your username. Below are common problems with usernames:

What if I can't log in to my account with my username?

Twitter Idubbbz

  • Can't log in to Twitter? Find out how to log in, even if you forgot your username.
  • Want to reactivate your account? Read these instructions to reactivate your account.

Why can't I select the username I want?

  • Some usernames may be unavailable for use because they are taken by other users or are unavailable for other reasons. Learn tips for selecting an available username.
  • Trying to change your username on a mobile device? We're sorry, but the ability to change your username is not currently supported on Twitter's mobile apps. You'll need to log in via or in order to change your username.

How do I swap the username from one Twitter account I own to another?

Twitter Idina Menzel

If you're trying to move a username from one of your accounts to another of your accounts, you can do this yourself.

Twitter Ideas

  • Log into the account that currently has the desired username.
  • Change the username to something else (try adding a number or underscore). This will immediately free up the username for use by other accounts.
  • Log into your other account and change the username to the desired username.