Visual Studio Code 2020

Update 1.44.1: The update addresses this security issue.

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  2. Vscode Updates
  3. Visual Studio Code 2020 Python
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  5. Visual Studio Code 2020 Free Download
  6. Visual Studio Code 2020 Free Download
  7. Visual Studio Code 2020 C+ Tutorial

Update 1.44.2: The update addresses these issues.

Downloads: Windows: UserSystem | Mac: 64 bit | Linux: snapdebrpmtarball

Welcome to the February 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Search Editors - Search and save your global search results in a full-sized editor. Draggable sash corners - Easily change the editor layout by dragging sash corners. This is a step by step tutorial to get you started with Visual Studio code. At the end I will also show you how to change the color theme of the editor. Welcome to the July 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: Settings Sync to Stable - Settings Sync is now available for preview in stable. Updated Extensions view menu. Visual Studio Code Basics and the WPILib Extension¶ Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is the new supported IDE for C and Java development in FRC, replacing the Eclipse IDE used from 2015-2018. This article introduces some of the basics of using Visual Studio Code and the WPILib extension. Download the Visual Studio Code from Download Visual Studio Code. Here is the Setup Guide: Visual Studio Code on macOS Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P / Shift⌘P) and type 'shell command' to find the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.

Welcome to the March 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Accessibility improvements - Easier diff view navigation, clearer role designations for UI controls.
  • Timeline view - See time-series events like Git commit history from within VS Code.
  • Better Quick Open for files - Navigate smoothly from files to symbols, filter files by folder name.
  • Extension Pack display - Quickly see what is bundled in an Extension Pack.
  • Persisted Undo/Redo stack - Undo/Redo stack preserved for reopened files.
  • Remote Development - Directly check out Pull Requests into containers, support for Kubernetes.
  • Settings Sync preview - Settings Sync now lets you share snippets and UI state across machines.
  • New Python tutorials - Tutorials for creating Python containers and building Data Science models.

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on

Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Visual Studio Code news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @code!


This milestone we received great feedback from our community, which helped us identify and tackle many accessibility issues.

  • Diff view is now more accessible. Use F7 and ⇧F7 (Windows, Linux Shift+F7) to navigate through changes and use the Stage / Unstage / Revert Selected Ranges commands to stage, unstage, or revert the current change.
  • Better roles used across our widgets. The listbox role is used for the Suggest widget and Quick Pick, list for static lists, and document for read-only content such as the Welcome view and Markdown preview.
  • Tuned the behavior of our Quick Pick widget.
  • The current line CodeLens can now be shown in the Quick Pick with the Show CodeLens Commands For Current Line command.

Timeline view

The Timeline view is now out of preview and enabled by default. This is a unified view for visualizing time-series events (for example, Git commits, file saves, test runs, etc.) for a file. The Timeline view automatically updates showing the timeline for the currently active editor, by default. You can control this default behavior by toggling the eye icon in the view toolbar. Also, similar to other views, the Timeline view supports find or filter as you type.

The Timeline view is collapsed by default at the bottom of the File Explorer. Selecting the Timeline sash will expand the Timeline view.

In this release, the built-in Git extension contributes a timeline source that provides the Git commit history of the specified file. Selecting a commit will open a diff view of the changes introduced by that commit. A context menu provides commands to Copy Commit ID and Copy Commit Message. There is also a new Open Timeline command on the File Explorer's context menu, to quickly show the timeline for the selected file.

Here is the Timeline view in action:

Theme: Dark Amethyst

Additional timeline sources can be contributed by extensions (although the API is still in the proposed stage), which will be shown in the unified Timeline view. Extensions can also contribute menu items to the Timeline view, and to individual timeline items. You can also easily choose which sources you'd like included in the view.


Quick Open rewrite

The Quick Open (⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+P)) control was using an old version of our tree widget, and in this iteration, it was migrated to use our latest list control, already used in the rest of the VS Code UI. Functionally, you should not be able to tell the difference, as all commands will work as before.

We did take this opportunity to add some features that you might find useful.

Navigate from files to symbols

You can now continue to navigate to the symbols of a file result simply by typing @. For the file that is currently selected, all symbols will appear and the editor will open in the background to reveal the active symbol. The video below also shows that you can group symbols by category by following @ with :.

Filter results by separating multiple queries with spaces

If you are getting too many results for a file search, you can add more search patterns after typing a space. For example, you can narrow down results by folder if you type <file name> <folder name> one after the other.

Note: This also works for the editor (⇧⌘O (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+O)) and workspace (⌘T (Windows, Linux Ctrl+T)) symbol picker. Any text after a space character will be used to filter by the container of that symbol.

Input is preserved when switching providers

If you leave Quick Open visible and switch to another provider (for example, from file search to symbol search), VS Code will apply whatever filter is typed and use it for the new provider. This allows you to quickly reuse the typed input for symbol search when it was previously used for a file search.

Sort editor history by most recently used

A new setting 'search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder': 'recency' allows you to sort editor history by the most recently opened items, even when starting to search. By default, editor history results will be sorted by relevance based on the filter pattern that was used.

New command to open editor to the side

A new command workbench.action.alternativeAcceptSelectedQuickOpenItem lets you add an additional keyboard shortcut to open files or symbols from Quick Open to the side. By default, Ctrl+Enter (macOS: Cmd+Enter) will open the file to the side in a new editor group, rather than in the current one.

Improved Extension Pack display

To identify Extension Packs in the Extensions view, there is now a number badge that shows the number of extensions included in the Extension Pack.

Theme: GitHub Sharp with Customizations

The Extension details page now shows all extensions bundled in the Extension Pack.

Theme: GitHub Sharp with Customizations

Adjust height of editor tabs scroll bar

A new setting workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing lets you increase the size of the scroll bar for editor tabs and breadcrumbs. This makes it easier to scroll through a long list of open editors.

Configure it to large for a larger scroll bar:

File Explorer can show hidden files

If a file is hidden (via the files.exclude setting) but it is open and visible in the editor, the file is shown in the File Explorer along with its parent chain. Those files and their parents are displayed in the File Explorer using a dimmed color as long as the file is visible in the editor area.

View: Reopen with

The new View: Reopen with command lets you reopen the currently active file using a different custom editor.

You can use this command to switch between VS Code's standard text editor and the custom editor, or to switch between multiple custom editors for a resource.

workbench.editorAssociations setting

Also for custom editors, the new workbench.editorAssociations setting lets you configure which editor is used for a specific resource.

The example below configures all files ending in .catScratch to open using the example custom text editor from our extension samples.

View progress now shown on the view

We have changed progress indication for custom views to now show on each view itself, rather than at the top of the view container. This allows for a more direct connection between the long-running operation and its progress. There is also a new API option for extensions to show custom progress on views as well.

Here you can see the progress display on the GitLens extension view:

New default monospace font

We have updated the monospace font used in VS Code UI to:

This change does not affect the font choice in the editor.


Keep Undo stack when reopening files

VS Code will now keep the Undo/Redo stack of a file when the file is closed. When the file is reopened, if its contents hasn't changed since it was closed, the Undo/Redo stack will be restored.

This is very useful if you limit the number of open editors with the workbench.editor.limit.value setting or you accidently close a file you are working on.

Explicit ordering for Code Actions on save

You can now set editor.codeActionsOnSave to an array of Code Actions to execute in order. You can use this to guarantee that a specific Code Action is always run before or after another one that may conflict with it.

The following editor.codeActionsOnSave will always run Organize Imports followed by Fix All once organize imports finishes:

Using editor.wordSeparators for Next Find Match

The command Add Selection to Next Find Match (⌘D (Windows, Linux Ctrl+D)) now respects the setting editor.wordSeparators. Previously, the command would use the word definition as defined by the current file's language.


Call Stack view improvements

The CALL STACK view is a complex view because it shows different types of objects (sessions, processes, threads, stack frames, and separator elements) and provides different actions for different types. In order to make it easier to differentiate the object types and to understand their supported interactions, we have started to make some visual improvements:

  • Debug sessions are now decorated with an icon.
  • Clickable elements use the link color.
  • Smaller separator and presentation elements.

New Debug Console icon

We've introduced a new icon for the Debug Console and also use it in the Activity Bar when the Debug Console view is moved from the panel.

Progress feedback UI for debug extensions

VS Code now supports the 'progress events' that were proposed for the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) in the last milestone. With progress events, a debug extension can provide feedback to users for long running operations.

The VS Code debugging UI shows progress feedback in two locations:

  • As a progress bar at the top of the debug view.
  • As a 'silent notification', which means that progress is shown 'silently' (without interrupting the user) in the Status bar and can be opened into a notification by clicking on it. The notification shows more detailed information and allows cancellation of the underlying long running operation (if the operation supports cancel).

In order to avoid flicker for short operations, the progress UI only starts after a 0.5 second delay.

The following video shows the new progress UI for a (simulated) long running operation in Mock Debug (the only supporting debug extension as of today). We expect that other debug extensions will adopt the progress support soon.

Code completion selection in the Debug Console

In the last milestone, we added selection control to the 'completion' request of the Debug Adapter Protocol. With this release, VS Code now fully supports the protocol addition and a debug extension can adjust the selection (or insertion point) after a completion item has been inserted.

Integrated Terminal

Allow menu bar mnemonics to skip the terminal

When the new setting terminal.integrated.allowMenubarMnemonics is enabled, all keystrokes using Alt will skip the terminal so they are processed by VS Code's keybinding manager, making all menu mnemonics work at the cost of Alt hotkeys within the terminal. This setting is disabled by default.


Auto import style in JavaScript

The new javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifierEnding setting lets you control the style of imports that VS Code's auto imports use. This can be useful if you are writing code for platforms such as browsers that support native ES6 modules.

Possible values are:

  • auto - The default. Uses the project's jsconfig to determine the import style to use.
  • minimal - Use's Node.js style imports. This shortens imports for src/component/index.js to src/component.
  • index - Include the index part of the path as well. This shortens src/component/index.js to src/component/index.
  • js - Use the full path, including the file extension (.js).


Faster task Quick Pick

The task Quick Pick used to fetch all tasks from all task-providing extensions before displaying the list of tasks to choose from. Now, VS Code doesn't fetch any additional extension tasks before showing the Quick Pick dropdown, making it much faster. Extension contributed tasks are also only fetched when you ask for them, which frees up the extension host.

Below the TypeScript contributed tsc tasks are only fetched after the user selects the typescript extension.

Theme: One Dark Pro

Preview features

Preview features are not ready for release but are functional enough to use. We welcome your early feedback while they are under development.

Settings Sync

We have been working the last couple of months to support synchronizing VS Code settings, extensions, and keyboard shortcuts across machines and this feature is available for preview on the Insiders release.

In this milestone, we added synchronizing User Snippets and more UI State.

Theme: GitHub Sharp with Customizations

Currently the following UI State is synchronized:

  • Display Language
  • Activity Bar entries
  • Panel entries
  • Views layout and visibility
  • Recently used commands
  • 'Do not show again' notifications

Note: At present, only user language snippets are synchronized. Support for global snippets will be added in the next milestone.

We also added remote and local sync backup views for restoring your data and to aid in trouble shooting. You can access these views using the commands Preferences Sync: Show Remote Backup and Preferences Sync: Show Local Backup.

Theme: GitHub Sharp with Customizations

To learn more, you can go to the Settings Sync documentation.

Account management

Extensions that contribute an Authentication Provider will now have their accounts appear on a new Accounts context menu above the settings gear. You can view all accounts you are currently signed into, sign out of them, and manage trusted extensions. Signing into a Microsoft account from here is another way to start Settings Sync.

Theme: Pop Light with Customizations

New JavaScript debugger

This month we've continued making progress on our new JavaScript debugger. It's installed by default on Insiders, and can be installed from the Marketplace in VS Code Stable. You can start using it with your existing launch configurations by enabling the debug.javascript.usePreview setting. Here are some new features added this month:

Link handling in the debug terminal

You could use the debug terminal (Debug: Create JavaScript Debug Terminal) to automatically debug any Node.js process. Now, the debugger also handles links to start debugging your browser whenever you Cmd/Ctrl+Click on links, no configuration needed.

Theme: Earthsong, Font: Fira Code

Reference $returnValue in Watch and Debug Console

When it's available in the call stack, you can now reference a function's $returnValue in the Debug Console and Watch expressions.

TypeScript 3.9 Beta support

This iteration we added support for the new TypeScript 3.9 Beta features. Some highlights of TypeScript 3.9 include:

  • Suggestions for the // @ts-expect-error directive.
  • Refactorings that better preserve newlines and formatting.
  • Auto imports in JavaScript can now add common JS style imports (require(..)).

You can try the new TypeScript 3.9 features today by installing the TypeScript Nightly extension. Please share feedback and let us know if you run into any bugs with the TypeScript 3.9 beta!

Increased view placement flexibility

For several iterations, we have worked to improve the flexibility of our layout by allowing individual views to be moved around. With this iteration, we not only added features but also polished the experience.

New Drag and Drop experience

The dragging and dropping of Activity Bar icons, panels, and views within the Side Bar has been simple, but ambiguous. It could be difficult to know exactly what was going to happen when you actually dropped any of those items. The new experience aims to improve clarity and highlight the new features we are enabling along the way.

Below, the user begins by reordering views within the Side Bar, followed by reordering tabs in the Panel and icons in the Activity Bar:

Multiple views in a single panel

You can now have multiple views within a single panel to make better use of horizontal space. One common request is to see the terminal at the same time as the Problems view. This can now be done by dragging the terminal into the Problems view as shown below.

Creating new Side Bar groups and moving panels

It is now possible to move views to new Side Bar groups, creating a new icon entry in the Activity Bar. The built-in panels are no exception and can now be moved into the existing Side Bar entries or their own entries.

The next video shows the user dragging the Terminal into the Activity Bar, which creates a Terminal icon and space for the Terminal in the Side Bar. Next, the user drops Output within the Terminal Side Bar. Finally, Outline is moved from the Explorer into the Activity Bar, creating its own Side Bar area.

Contributing a View Container to the panel

We now have everything required to allow an extension to contribute a view directly to the panel, much like you can today with the Activity Bar, which is documented in the Tree View API guide. Note that this feature is still in preview and the Tree View documentation will not reflect these changes until they are considered stable. However, to try it out, you can update the snippet in the documentation to this:

Commands for view movement

Finally, there are new commands to move views with the keyboard and to reset your layout. The command View: Move Focused View (workbench.action.moveFocusedView) has been updated to support the new features of the iteration. The command View: Reset Focused View Location (workbench.action.resetFocusedViewLocation) was added to place an individual view back into its default location.

Activity Bar icons for panel and custom views

With the introduction of the flexible layout, there are now dedicated icons for the default panel views when they move into the Activity Bar. There is also a (default) icon for custom views when combining multiple views.

Synced Regions

We have improved the mirror cursor feature introduced last November with a new implementation called Synced Regions. Currently this feature is available for HTML and you can try it out by one of the following ways:

  • Running the command On Type Rename Symbol on an HTML tag (bound to by default).
  • Turning on the editor.renameOnType setting and move the cursor to an HTML tag.

The red regions are Synced Regions. As their name suggests, any change in one region will be synced to other regions. You can exit this mode by either moving your cursor out of the regions or pressing ESC. Additionally, typing or pasting any content leading with a whitespace in any region exits this mode.

We look forward to providing an API that could make this rename-on-type experience available to other languages such as JSX, XML, or even local variables in TypeScript.

Contributions to extensions

Remote Development

Work continues on the Remote Development extensions, which allow you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment.

Feature highlights in 1.44 include:

  • Remote - Containers: Check out a PR directly into a container.
  • Remote - Containers: Kubernetes container attach support.
  • Remote - Containers: Experimental WSL 2 Docker engine support.

You can learn about new extension features and bug fixes in the Remote Development release notes.

Extension authoring

Welcome View Content API

Certain views now support Welcome content contributed from extensions. Refer to the original issue for more information. For details about how to use this API with extension provided views, you can read the Tree View documentation.

This API was added as proposed in the last milestone and we have now finalized it.

Semantic tokens provider API

The semantic tokens provider API has now been finalized.

Theme support for semantic tokens

Color themes can now write rules to color semantic tokens reported by language extensions like TypeScript.

The rule above defines that all declarations of readonly variables in Java should be colored green and bold. Index of serial the vampire diaries.

The Semantic Highlighting Wiki Page has more information.

TypeScript semantic token improvements

More semantic token types are returned by the Typescript Language Server. Color themes can take advantage of these new token types for styling.

  • All symbols from the JavaScript default library get a defaultLibrary modifier.
  • Function parameters that are callbacks are classified as function.

Read the TypeScript Semantic Highlighting plugin README for an overview of all semantic token types and modifiers returned by the TypeScript language server.

File system error code

We have added FileSystemError#code, which is a string identifying the error. When a file system error is created through any of its factory functions, then code is the name of that function, for example FileSystemError.FileNotFound(msg).code 'FileNotFound'.

Arguments for StatusBarItem.command

StatusBarItem.command now accepts a full Command object instead of just a command ID. This lets extensions pass arguments to the command when the Status bar item is activated.

Custom text editors

With custom text editors, extensions can now replace VS Code's standard editor with a custom webview-based view for specific text-based resources. Potential use cases include:

  • Previewing assets, such as shaders or .obj files.
  • Creating WYSIWYG editors for markup languages such as XAML.
  • Providing alternative, interactive views of data files such as JSON or CSV.
Visual Studio Code 2020

The custom editors documentation covers how to use the new custom text editor API and how to make sure your new editor works well with VS Code. Also be sure to check out the custom editors extension sample.

Next iteration, we're hoping to finalize the full custom editor proposal that extends custom editors to also support binary files.

View-level progress indication

We've added a new option to the ProgressOptions.location of the window.withProgress API to allow progress to be shown on a specific view. To use, set ProgressOptions.location = { viewId: <view-id> }; where <view-id> specifies the ID of the view you'd like to show progress for. There is short video of this in action in the view progress section above.

Extensions view context menu when-clause context

We've added a new extension when-clause context to the Extension view's context menu, which contains the extension's identifier.


New Codicons

We've added the following icons to the Codicon library:

  • account
  • bell-dot
  • debug-console
  • library
  • output
  • run-all
  • sync-ignored

Documentation for writing embedded language server

Writing language server for embedded programming languages is more involved than writing a plain language server. Given the popularity of embedded languages today, we added an Embedded Languages topic to our Language Extensions section. The documentation contains two samples to illustrate the two approaches to building embedded language servers: Language services and Request forwarding. Start by reviewing the Embedded Languages documentation or go directly to the two samples:

Debug Adapter Protocol

New progress events

We've finalized support for reporting progress in the Debug Adapter Protocol. Debug adapters can now send progress events (progressStart, progressUpdate, and progressEnd) to the frontend client, in order to display progress for long running debug adapter operations. The progressStart event can be marked as cancellable to make the client present a cancellation UI and send an cancel request. In order to enable progress events in a supporting debug adapter, the frontend client needs to include the new client capability supportsProgressReporting in the initialize request.

More details can be found in the corresponding DAP feature request. VS Code supports progress events starting with this milestone.

Clipboard context value for the 'evaluate' request

DAP clients (frontends) use the evaluate request when copying variable and expression values to the clipboard. To help debug adapters detect this scenario, a new value clipboard has been added to the value set for the context argument that is passed to the evaluate request. To ensure backward compatibility, a client is only allowed to pass the new value if the debug adapter returns a supportsClipboardContext capability.

Language Server Protocol

A new version (0.5.0) of the Language Server Index Format specification has been published. The version supports linking reference results across project dumps using monikers. In addition, new versions of the LSP client (6.2.0-next.2) and server (6.2.0-next.2) libraries have been published.

Visual Studio Code 2020 Tutorial

Proposed extension APIs

Every milestone comes with new proposed APIs and extension authors can try them out. As always, we are keen on your feedback. This is what you have to do to try out a proposed API:

  • You must use Insiders because proposed APIs change frequently.
  • You must have this line in the package.json file of your extension: 'enableProposedApi': true.
  • Copy the latest version of the vscode.proposed.d.ts file into your project's source location.

Note that you cannot publish an extension that uses a proposed API. There may be breaking changes in the next release and we never want to break existing extensions.

Terminal link handlers

This new API allows extensions to intercept and handle links that are clicked in the terminal.

Contribute to terminal environments

This new API allows extensions to change environment variables when the terminal is starting up.

These collections are extension and workspace-specific and VS Code handles how conflicts between multiple extensions are dealt with. They can optionally be persisted across window reloads and care was taken to ensure this is done in such a way that terminals created immediately after the window is loaded do not block on the extension host launching but instead use the last known version. These persisted collections can get removed by disposing of the collection or creating a new non-persistent collection, or when the extension is uninstalled.

The plan is to surface these environment modifications to the user through some indicator that allows updating 'stale' terminal environments but this is still a work in progress. You can follow the discussion in issue #46696.

Visual studio code 2020 python

Browser support

Remote indicator

When using VS Code in a browser, there is now a remote indicator. This lets you know the remote environment you are connected to and allows extensions to add additional commands associated with the remote. With this change, the Open in Desktop link was removed from the Status bar and will move into the remote picker.

Note: VS Code currently does not support connecting to a different remote - such as SSH, a container, or WSL - from the browser.

Navigational links

A new menu location lets extensions running in the browser contribute links to the hamburger menu in the upper left.


VS Code compiles to ES6

VS Code has adopted ES6 - all the way. Thanks to TypeScript, we have been using ES6 syntax for a long time, but we now assume that the target runtime also supports ES6. This allows us to use ES6 'globals' like Strings#endsWith and allows the use of new language features, like generator-functions and symbols.

Automating issue triage with GitHub Actions

This iteration we migrated our existing triage automations from using GitHub Apps over to GitHub Actions. With this came some nice benefits, such as getting logs in the vscode repo, and an increase in development speed. We additionally added several new automations, such as an Action that notifies issue authors when fixes get pulled into VS Code Insiders, allowing authors to quickly verify whether fixes are effective.

The full set of Actions we use is released on GitHub under an MIT license.

Documentation and extensions


There are two new Python tutorials:

  • Python in a container - Learn how to build a Python application in a Docker container.
  • Python for Data Science - Use Python data science libraries to create a machine learning model.


The C++ extension tutorials have been rewritten and there is a new tutorial specific to Using C++ on Linux.

Docker extension

The 1.0 version of the Microsoft Docker extension is now available. The extension can add Docker files to your project, build and debug Docker images, and includes an Explorer to easily start, stop, inspect, and remove containers and images.

Azure extensions

There are two new extensions for working with Azure assets directly from within VS Code.

  • Azure Virtual Machines - Create Ubuntu Virtual Machines with pre-configured SSH access so you can connect to them using the Remote-SSH extension.

  • Azure Resource Groups - View all of your Azure Resources and quickly navigate to them in the Azure View.

Notable fixes

  • 75932: Debug failed to load: Process picker failed (your 131072x1 screen size is bogus, expect trouble)
  • 84271: Add 'x' to remove a file from recently opened (quick pick)
  • 89658: No debug adapter found
  • 92381: 'Add folder to workspace' prompt duplicates itself if you add and then remove a folder from the workspace repeatedly
  • 93344: Welcome view should scroll
  • 93634: Progress: let window progress turn into silent notification progress

Thank you

Last but certainly not least, a big Thank You! to the following folks that helped to make VS Code even better:

Contributions to our issue tracking:

Contributions to vscode:

  • Andrew Branch (@andrewbranch): [typescript-language-features] Add importModuleSpecifierEnding preference PR #90405
  • Andy Barron (@AndyBarron): editor.codeActionsOnSave: support both object and array configs PR #92681
  • Benny Neugebauer (@bennyn): fix typing for proxy auth window options PR #91954
  • Benno (@blueworrybear): update #91296 allow multiple workspace roots PR #92082
  • Charles Gagnon (@Charles-Gagnon): Alert input box messages anytime shown PR #92531
  • Gustavo Sampaio (@GustavoKatel): Easy pick codelenses with keyboard shortcut PR #91232
  • Huachao Mao (@Huachao): Fix typo of word extension PR #93178
  • Hyun Sick Moon (@hyun6): fix typo PR #93291
  • Ilia Pozdnyakov (@iliazeus)
    • Add error code getter to FileSystemError #90517 PR #90586
    • Add a default value to FileSystemError#code #90517 PR #92427
  • @jaqra: Fix search view 'Toggle Search Detail' padding PR #91429
  • Jean Pierre (@jeanp413)
    • Show warning when filename start/end with whitespace in explorer inputbox PR #92221
    • Fixes no link detection in SCM input box PR #89868
    • Fixes webview inside diff editor doesn't gain focus PR #91830
    • Fixes untitled editor name changes when double click on tab title container PR #93165
  • Jonas Dellinger (@JohnnyCrazy): Allow users to make the scrollbars in the title area larger PR #92720
  • @nrayburn-tech: Use ResizeObserver for monaco editor automaticLayout PR #93630
  • Raul Piraces Alastuey (@piraces): Fix history entries navigation taking extra navigates in debug console PR #93125
  • Robert Rossmann (@robertrossmann): Inherit theme text colour in Settings Editor's section headings PR #93605
  • Sharak (@SharakPL): WebView width fix PR #93085
  • Tobias Hernstig (@thernstig): Add .npmrc file association as ini-file PR #92397
  • Matej Urbas (@urbas)
    • fileSearch: removed unused size and redundant basename fields from IRawFileMatch PR #91458
    • file search: include workspace folder in filter PR #89765
  • Alvaro Videla (@videlalvaro)
    • fixes #92860 PR #92862
    • fixes #92863 PR #92865
  • David Teller (@Yoric): Fixes #91913 : Exclude /.hg/store/ from the file watcher PR #91941

Our accessibility community for providing constant feedback! To name a few:

Contributions to vscode-vsce:

  • Bob Brown (@bobbrow): Change a console.warn to console.log for an informational message PR #434
  • James George (@jamesgeorge007)
    • Fixed markdown-it security vulnerability PR #437
    • Migrate to a better matching engine PR #436

Contributions to language-server-protocol:

  • Aleksey Kladov (@matklad): Add link to section PR #942
Visual Studio Code 2020

Contributions to vscode-languageserver-node:

  • Remy Suen (@rcjsuen): Reword type and modifier descriptions PR #588
  • Tom Raviv (@tomrav): Fix npm badges in text-document package readme PR #592
  • Heejae Chang (@heejaechang):
    • added file-based cancellation support to JSON-RPC PR #587
    • added cancellation tests in json rpc PR #596
    • re-export MessageConnection so that vscode-languageserver/client is s… PR #598

Contributions to vscode-generator-code:

  • Sibiraj (@sibiraj-s): Remove deprecated useColors mocha api PR #196

Contributions to vscode-loader:

  • Roberto Araujo (@Roberto-Araujo): Use head instead document.head PR #26

Contributions to localization:

There are over 800 Cloud + AI Localization community members using the Microsoft Localization Community Platform (MLCP), with over about 170 active contributors to Visual Studio Code. We appreciate your contributions, either by providing new translations, voting on translations, or suggesting process improvements.

Here is a snapshot of contributors. For details about the project including the contributor name list, visit the project site at

  • Chinese (Simplified, China) Tingting Yi, Yizhi Gu, Charles Dong, Justin Liu, Joel Yang, Tony Xia, 朱知阳, meng shao, 普鲁文, paul cheung, 张锐, Yiting Zhu, Nong Zhichao, Liam Kennedy, 武 健, Zhao Liguo, 宁 倬, Bochen Wang, 一斤瓜子, 顺 谭, 云 何, Yun Liu, yungkei fan.
  • Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) 船長, Winnie Lin, 予 恆.
  • Czech David Knieradl.
  • Danish (Denmark) Javad Shafique, Lasse Stilvang.
  • English (United Kingdom) Martin Littlecott, Oren Recht, Faris Ansari.
  • Finnish (Finland) Teemu Sirkiä.
  • French (France) Antoine Griffard, Thierry DEMAN-BARCELÒ, Rodolphe NOEL, Nathan Bonnemains.
  • Hebrew (Israel) Chayim Refael Friedman, Asaf Amitai.
  • Indonesian (Indonesia) Gerry Surya, Laurensius Dede Suhardiman.
  • Italian (Italy) Alessandro Alpi, Riccardo Cappello.
  • Japanese (Japan) Ikko Ashimine, Aya Tokura, Takayuki Fuwa, ちゃん きさらぎ, 住吉 貴志, Koichi Makino, Yoshihisa Ozaki, TENMYO Masakazu.
  • Korean (Korea) Kyunghee Ko, June Heo.
  • Norwegian (Norway) Torbjørn Viem Ness.
  • Polish (Poland) Makabeus Orban, Kacper Łakomski.
  • Portuguese (Brazil) Alessandro Trovato, Marcelo Fernandes, Arthur Lima, Luciana de Melo, Luiz Gustavo Nunes.
  • Portuguese(Portugal) Pedro Filipe.
  • Russian (Russia) Andrey Veselov, Vadim Svitkin, Минаков Антон.
  • Spanish (Spain, International Sort) Sifredo Da Silva, Ariel Costas Guerrero, David Roa, Abdón Rodríguez P., Luis Manuel, Carlos A. Echeverri V.
  • Swedish (Sweden) Per Ragnar Edin.
  • Tamil (India) krishnakoumar c.
  • Turkish (Turkey) Umut Can Alparslan, Mehmet Yönügül.
  • Ukrainian (Ukraine) Nikita Potapenko.
  • Vietnamese (Vietnam) Hieu Nguyen Trung.

Update 1.48.1: The update addresses these issues.

Update 1.48.2: The update addresses these issues.

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Welcome to the July 2020 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Settings Sync to Stable - Settings Sync is now available for preview in stable.
  • Updated Extensions view menu - Simplified menu with additional filtering options.
  • New Git View submenus - Refactored overflow menu for Git in the Source Control view.
  • Updated in-browser debugging - Debug in the browser without writing a launch configuration.
  • Publish a public repository - Choose whether to publish to a public or private GitHub repository.
  • Notebook UX updates - New Cell menu, enhanced drag and drop.
  • New Remote Container topics - Learn how to attach to a container and create a new dev container.
  • Java lightweight mode - Start working with your Java source files more quickly.

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on

Join us live at the VS Code team's livestream on Monday, August 17 at 9am Pacific (5pm London), to see a demo of what's new in this release and ask us questions live.

Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Visual Studio Code news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @code!


This milestone, we again received helpful feedback from our community, which helped us identify and tackle accessibility issues.


Search Editor

We added an Open Search Editor command to open an existing search editor if one exists, or to otherwise create a new one. The pre-existing command Open new Search Editor has been renamed to New Search Editor, and will always create a new Search Editor.

Search Editors also now support custom search.sortOrder configurations, such as sorting by file type, modified date, or result count.

Extensions: Overflow menu cleanup

The Extensions view filter actions are now displayed under a separate filter action (funnel button):

Theme: GitHub Light

The Extensions view Views and More Actions (..) menu has been refactored for better organization of extension queries (such as Installed or Recommended) and other actions like Check for Extension Updates and Enable All Extensions:

Theme: GitHub Light

Source Control

Always show repositories

There's a new setting, scm.alwaysShowRepositories, that makes the Source Control view always show the repository rows, even if there's only a single repository open:

Better keyboard navigation

As you navigate the Source Control view, pressing Space on a change will now open it as a preview editor and keep the focus in the Source Control view, for easier keyboard navigation.

Git: Overflow menu cleanup

Thanks to the new submenu proposed API, the Git View and More Actions (..) menu has been refactored for better organization of several commands:

GitHub: Publish to a public repository

When publishing a repository to GitHub, you now have the option to make the repository public, as opposed to the previous default, private:


UX improvements

  • The default value of the debug.openDebug setting has been changed to openOnFirstSessionStart. As a result, the Debug view will only be automatically opened when the first debug session is started.

  • We have updated the debug icon in the Status bar to be better aligned with the icon we use in the Activity bar. This new icon should represent more clearly that the breakpoints will be respected when the program is started this way.

Debug: Open Link command

A new Debug: Open Link command has been added to quickly debug any URL. Previously, to debug a browser, you had to install the Debugger for Chrome extension and write a launch.json config file to debug a page. This command allows you to debug any URL without needing additional launch configurations.

Theme: Earthsong

If you have a URL selected in your active editor, it will open that automatically. Otherwise, VS Code will prompt you to enter a URL, pre-filling with the URL in your clipboard, if any.

You can adjust the debug configuration used in this command via the debug.javascript.debugByLinkOptions setting.

JavaScript Debugger improvements

The previous release of VS Code included our new JavaScript debugger. We'd like to thank the community for your feedback on it, and this release includes dozens of resulting fixes and improvements. If you run into any issues with debugging, please make sure to file an issue if you haven't already.

Browser support

Text file encoding support

All of the text file encodings of the desktop version of VS Code are now also supported when running in a browser.

As such, the settings files.encoding and files.autoGuessEncoding can be now configured for web and work, in the same way as in the desktop version.

Preview features

Preview features are not ready for release but are functional enough to use. We welcome your early feedback while they are under development.

Settings Sync

Settings Sync is now available for preview in the stable release 🎉. Refer to the user guide for more information & FAQs.

This feature is now called Settings Sync and all of its references and settings have been adjusted to align with the new name.

Theme: GitHub Light

Manual merge

In this milestone, we made the flow for turning on Settings Sync much smoother when you have done a sync before by introducing the manual merge feature:

Settings Sync Insiders service

We added a new Settings Sync Insiders service for VS Code Insiders, separate from the stable build. You can always sync your Insiders with stable using the Settings Sync: Select Service.. command, which is available only in VS Code Insiders.

Theme: GitHub Light

Settings editor improvements

The highlight of this milestone was our work on improving the Settings editor accessibility, which is still a work in progress. Over the past couple iterations, we have been listening to feedback and exploring options for making the Settings editor easier to use with a screen reader. We investigated two possible solutions to these issues and have produced two prototypes, and we are now looking for your feedback to help us learn what works best. Please see GitHub issue #104318 for details, download links, and to leave your feedback.

TypeScript 4.0 support

We will be picking up TypeScript 4.0 next iteration, but the current VS Code release includes support for all the upcoming features if you want to try the 4.0-RC ahead of time. Some highlights:

  • Partial IntelliSense while a project is loading.
  • Highlight calls to deprecated symbols in the editor with strikethrough.
  • Explain reasons why a given refactoring cannot be applied.
  • Improved auto imports - Read more in the TypeScript 4.0 blog post.

You can try out these features today by installing the TypeScript 4.0-rc into your workspace or by installing the TypeScript nightly extension.

Contributions to extensions

Hex Editor

The HexEditor extension sees further improvements this iteration with support for copy and paste, file watching, and find and replace. A full list of notable changes can be found in the CHANGELOG. Any feedback or issues experienced can be filed against the vscode-hexeditor repository.

Copy and Paste Support

We've added the ability to copy values to your clipboard and paste them either inside the editor, or into whatever other source you wish.

Find and Replace Support

The hex editor now comes with a similar find and replace widget to the one found within VS Code. It supports searching hexadecimal fields using wildcards (for example, FF ?? DD) and regex searching on the decoded text section.

Multi Select

You can now use drag and drop selection, Shift and (Ctrl+click) selection, and holding Shift and navigating with the keyboard to create a selection.

Remote Development

Work continues on the Remote Development extensions, which allow you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment.

Feature highlights in 1.48 include:

  • Remote - Containers: Pull environment variables from login and shell scripts.
  • Remote - SSH: Fewer prompts when starting or maintaining an SSH connection.

You can learn about new extension features and bug fixes in the Remote Development release notes.


The VS Code team is continuing work on native support for Notebooks. To help with development, we've created a GitHub Issue Notebooks extension, which lets you search GitHub issues and pull requests. This extension is still in preview and requires using VS Code Insiders, but it lets you experience Notebooks first hand, and we welcome your feedback.

Notebook UX

We continue to tweak the general UX of Notebooks. This month we made cells even more compact and added a Cell menu (..) to the toolbar to make cell-related actions even easier to find.

Drag and drop enhancement

We improved the experience of drag and drop in Notebooks. Dragging a collapsed Markdown cell will move all nested cells inside the folding region.

Reopen with editor

You can now reopen the Notebook document in the text editor, or any other available editor types directly from the context menu of the editor title. G star iv driver download.

Collapsing cells and outputs

You can now collapse cell outputs and inputs, which are useful when you want to clean up your Notebook view to focus on other parts of it.

Jupyter notebooks using the Python Extension

The Python Extension team has announced a preview for using Jupyter with VS Code's native notebooks. You can read details in their Python Notebooks blog post.

GitHub Pull Requests and Issues

Work continues on the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension, which allows you to work on, create, and manage pull requests and issues. Some updates for this release include:

  • Offer to fork a repository when you don't have permissions, when you want to push a commit or Start Working on an Issue.
  • Upgraded the version of the GitHub rest API we use for better performance.

To learn about all the new features and updates, you can see the full changelog for the 0.19.0 release of the extension.

Extension authoring

Task definition when clause

Task definitions now have an optional when property. You can use the when property to set a condition for when tasks of that type are available. If there is a case where even if one of your tasks has been configured in the users tasks.json file but it shouldn't be available anywhere from the VS Code UI, you can set a when condition to prevent the task from showing anywhere.

Tree view initial visibility

Tree views can set a visibility on their package.json contribution. The options are visible (default), collapsed, and hidden. The visibility state is only used the first time the user opens a workspace, after that, the visibility is always restored to whatever the user set it to.

Git: Get remote sources command

The Git extension now exposes a new extension API command to show a remote source Quick Pick interface: git.api.getRemoteSources. Read more about this in issue #102394.

Using Authentication Providers

Vscode Updates

The API for retrieving authentication information from Authentication Providers is now stable. Using getSession and onDidChangeSession, extensions are able to request login information and listen for changes for the two built- in Authentication Providers, Microsoft and GitHub. See here for a sample extension on how to authenticate to GitHub.

New Webview with codicons extension sample

We've added a new Webview extension sample that includes a reference to our codicon library. This uses the vscode-codicons npm package and references the packages from a webview.

Language Server Index Format

The TypeScript LSIF generator added support for multi project setups. In addition, memory consumption was optimized, especially around symbols exported via explicit export statements.

Proposed extension APIs

Every milestone comes with new proposed APIs and extension authors can try them out. As always, we want your feedback. This is what you have to do to try out a proposed API:

  • You must use Insiders because proposed APIs change frequently.
  • You must have this line in the package.json file of your extension: 'enableProposedApi': true.
  • Copy the latest version of the vscode.proposed.d.ts file into your project's source location.

Note that you cannot publish an extension that uses a proposed API. There may be breaking changes in the next release and we never want to break existing extensions.


The menu API has been extended to support submenus. This has already been adopted by the Git extension to clean its overflow menu. Check out the syntax as well as the possibilities that this API enables.

Stopping debug sessions

Visual Studio Code 2020 Python

VS Code uses the function vscode.debug.startDebugging for starting debug sessions. In this milestone, we introduced the matching function vscode.debug.stopDebugging to stop a specific session (or all sessions). With this new API, it is no longer necessary to use the less predictable Debug: Stop command (command ID: workbench.action.debug.stop) which only stops the 'active' debug session.

Documentation and extensions

New Remote Container topics

There are new topics for working with Containers in VS Code:

  • Attach to Container - Attach to an already running Docker Container.
  • Create a Dev Container - Create a custom container matching your development environment.
  • devcontainer.json reference - Control container creation through devcontainer.json properties.

And check out this blog post on using Dev Containers in Education to help educators and students create stable, reproducible classroom setups.

Java lightweight mode

Visual Studio Code 2020

The Language Support for Java extension now supports a lightweight mode, for when you want to quickly work with your Java source files. You'll still get powerful language features such as code completion, navigation, outlining, and syntax checking for your source code, as well as the JDK.

Azure Cache extension

Visual Studio Code 2020 Themes

The new Azure Cache extension makes it easy to browse through data in your Azure Caches.

Notable fixes

  • 33720: Wrong guess encoding as Windows 1252
  • 102037: If a debug adapter fails to send a terminated event, VS Code gets stuck in debug mode
  • 103463: When docked, the 'disconnect' and 'stop' icons in the debug toolbar don't update properly

Thank you

Last but certainly not least, a big Thank You to the following people who contributed this month to VS Code:

Contributions to our issue tracking:

Contributions to vscode:

  • Alvin Tang (@alvintangz): Feature #88480: Empty Lines Not Getting Commented-Out PR #93160
  • Andrew Branch (@andrewbranch)
    • Change includePackageJsonAutoImports options PR #103732
    • [typescript-language-features] Add setting for package.json auto imports PR #103037
    • [typescript-language-features] Add telemetry for package.json auto imports PR #103126
  • Charles Gagnon (@Charles-Gagnon): Only throw error if releaseNotesUrl doesn't exist PR #102149
  • Shelley Vohr (@codebytere): fix: add missing property to deserializeRunnable PR #103436
  • Connor Skees (@connorskees)
    • use ^H to delete word left in cmd.exe PR #98494
    • only emit ctrl+h for cmd.exe when the terminal is in focus PR #102508
  • Damien Martin-Guillerez (@damienmg): Use the search order settings for the search editor PR #103627
  • Daniel Rosenwasser (@DanielRosenwasser): Add check to ensure TS 4.0-RC and forward use '--serverMode'. PR #104123
  • Ed Jeffreys (@edjeffreys): #98942 Clear Search Pattern Fields PR #100024
  • Ikko Ashimine (@eltociear): Fixed typo PR #103297
  • Alexander Fadeev (@fadeevab): Add new Makefile test case for upgraded syntax PR #101719
  • John Murray (@gjsjohnmurray)
    • fix #100437 Improve 'terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell' info PR #100445
    • Improve text of SCM count badge settings PR #101677
    • Show SCM uppercase in settings search titles PR #101679
  • Fedor Nezhivoi (@gyzerok)
    • Move read and write logic from nativeTextFileService to textFileService for #79275 PR #100804
    • remove jschardet typings workaround for #79275 PR #101705
    • fix #79275 enable encodings for web PR #101706
  • Evgeny Gryaznov (@inspirer): Add missing code-import-patterns for files and directories targeting web. PR #102961
  • Jason Williams (@jasonwilliams)
    • fix h1 oversized bottom margin on markdown preview PR #102520
    • fix styling to improve heading spacing fixes #102036 PR #102427
    • fix paragraphs inside of <ul>s which are too spaced apart. PR #102719
  • Jean Pierre (@jeanp413)
    • Fixes quick find symbol finder shows 'no matching results' after backspace PR #101844
    • Fixes regression: cannot open image with special characters '#', '?', '%' PR #102189
    • Fixes command 'markdown.api.render' generates different html content for the same markdown string PR #103578
  • James Lave (@jlave-dev): Add GitHub public repo option PR #102406
  • David Linskey (@Linskeyd): Fix webview focus steal that occurs when the application is re-focused PR #98847
  • Logan Ramos (@lramos15): Support quickpick on open anyways PR #103712
  • Ludovic Galibert (@ludokx): Add #97640: Added options to enable codelens for diff editors PR #97644
  • He Linming (@MrHeer): Fixes #103129 PR #103130
  • @NotWearingPants
    • Retry fetching release notes on failure, and display failures PR #101158
    • Allow to reopen closed webviews if the extension supports it PR #100979
    • Treat all files with npmrc/npmignore/gitignore extensions as properties/ignore files PR #103044
    • Treat all files with git{config,attributes,modules}/editorconfig extensions as properties files PR #103326
  • @nrayburn-tech
    • Add check for shadow dom root before closing submenu PR #93667
    • Change from a dialog to a notification for extension actions PR #103338
  • Ye-hyoung Kang (@pastelmind): Add filename patterns for jsconfig.json PR #103360
  • Pascal Fong Kye (@pfongkye): fix: remove flexbox to enable ellipsis PR #102640
  • Pierce Boggan (@pierceboggan): Fix runtime exception and add Teams PR #103209
  • Tony Xia (@tony-xia)
    • saveUntitedBeforeShutdown -> saveUntitledBeforeShutdown PR #101740
    • Typo: ICommontTelemetryPropertiesResolver -> ICommonTelemetryPropertiesResolver PR #101739
  • @troy351: chore: remove redundant code PR #102471
  • Tyler Brockett (@tylerbrockett): Fix typo in preferences sync - Canelled to Cancelled PR #103431
  • Alan Zhang (@zcfan): fix #102289 PR #102660

Visual Studio Code 2020 Free Download

Contributions to vscode-json-languageservice:

  • Adrián Panella (@ianchi): Expose getMatchingSchemas PR #47

Contributions to vscode-vsce:

  • Jeffrey (@JeffreyCA): Prevent mailto links from being joined with prefix PR #472

Contributions to vscode-eslint:

  • Matt Lubner (@mattlubner): Add a NODE_ENV configuration setting for eslint PR #988
  • (@NotWearingPants): Treat all files with an eslintignore extension as ignore files PR #1025
  • Dimitri Mitropoulos (@dimitropoulos): typo: missing double quote in example json PR #1031
  • David Turesson (@mrxdst): Disable rule for entire file inserts the comment under the shebang. PR #1036

Contributions to language-server-protocol:

  • Remy Suen (@rcjsuen): Fix typos in document change notifications PR #1043
  • Florian Loitsch (@floitsch): Fix typo. PR #1055Danny Tuppeny (@DanTup): Minor tweaks for consistency to improve parsing PR #1058
  • Zhang Zhi (@fytriht): Update broken links PR #1060

Contributions to debug-adapter-protocol:

  • kuafuwang (@kuafuwang): Add link to JCIDE which support DAP PR #129
  • actboy168 (@actboy168): Add Lua Debug Adapter PR #131

Contributions to vscode-recipes:

Visual Studio Code 2020 Free Download

  • Ellis Kenyő (@elken): Update PR #252
  • tasdevani21 (@tasdevani21): Update Vuejs readme to include latest cli commands and improve debugging PR #263

Contribution to vscode-hexeditor:

Visual Studio Code 2020 C+ Tutorial

  • Jean Pierre (@jeanp413): Improvements to cell selection logic PR #92

Contributions to vscode-js-debug:

  • Ashik Paul (@Ashikpaul): Fixed a minor typo PR #614

Contributions to vscode-generator-code:

  • undefined (@masnn): Update index.js PR #216
  • Sibiraj (@sibiraj-s): Update Eslint, Mocha PR #213