Hive Dbeaver


  1. Free Database Ide
  2. Dbeaver Hive Jdbc
  3. Dbeaver Hive Ssl

You can find installation instructions here

Universal Database Tool Free multi-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts and all people who need to work with databases. Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, etc. Opened DBeaver; Clicked in the right arrow to Hive Connection. It is very slow. After displaying the databases names, I've clicked in the right arrow of the database rawgeomunicipios; Then I clicked in the right arrow of the 'Tables' submenu. No table name was displayed like in the image below. Then I closed dbeaver.

You can find the latest drivers on the Cloudera website

mkdir ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/

Hive DbeaverHive Dbeaver
  1. Navigate to Database > Driver Manager > New
  2. Add all the files from ~/.dbeaver-drivers/cloudera-hive/
  3. Driver name: Hive-Cloudera (for labeling only)
  4. Class name: com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver (at the time of this writing)
  5. Default port: 10000
  6. URL template: jdbc:hive2://{host}:{port}/{database};AuthMech=1;KrbRealm=FOO.BAR;KrbHostFQDN={server}; KrbServiceName=hive;KrbAuthType=2
    • Note you need to change FOO.BAR to match your krb5.conf settings
  1. In the menu bar Navigate to Database > New Connection
  2. Select Hive-Cloudera
  3. Fill in the appropriate values for host & database (I set database to default)
  4. Set server to be your KrbHostFQDN
  5. Leave your user name & password blank
  6. Test connection
  7. Press next, next, & change the name of this connection as you see fit
  8. Press finish

Free Database Ide

Congrats you’ve successfully connected to hive using kerberos authentication!

Hive Dbeaver

Dbeaver Hive Jdbc

Dbeaver hive keytab

Dbeaver Hive Ssl

If you are receiving [Cloudera][HiveJDBCDriver](500168) Error creating login context using ticket cache: Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication make sure to check the following

  1. Ensure that you have the latest cryptography libraries installed
    • Java 9 includes these libraries by default
  2. That you’ve configured your /etc/krb5.conf successfully
    • If you’ve done this correctly you should be able to run kinit in terminal and create a ticket without issue
  3. For Windows adding the following lines to your dbeaver.ini may be necessary as well

      • note: this is the windows equivalent of /etc/krb5.conf

      • success has also been reported with the following jaas.conf file & keytab usage